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  1. G

    EFF, c-section and micro biome?

    @nyguy86 I was a C-section + formula baby 32 years ago. My only major health issue is that I lean a bit constipated on average, lol. The microbiome thing is not total nonsense as there are some benefits to breastfeeding of course, but IMO they are minor enough to not be worth worrying about if...
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    CMPA "Else Plant-Based Complete Nutrition for Toddlers"

    @free251986 This formula is not meant for babies under a year old, if you read the FAQs. Make sure whatever you buy is specifically designed for infants. What about the soy/amino acid formulas is making you want to try other options?
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    What’s your favorite formula?

    @conner74 Regular Similac (360 Total Care). It’s what we got as samples from the hospital and she did well on it so we just kept buying it. The “5 HMO prebiotics” thing is probably mostly a gimmick, but I like to think it’s helping her microbiome. I’ve heard good things about Kirkland formula...
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    Should I even get a breast pump?

    @nicolecham Honestly I know everyone is saying to get it, but I can see the argument for not. If you have it you’re going to feel guilty not at least trying it if baby won’t directly nurse, and once I started and found I naturally had a decent supply I then felt guilty quitting. The pumps that...
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    How do I stop worrying about the “numbers?”

    @hasibiz I feel like the only solution is to just not track 🤷‍♀️. It’s not like you can force her to eat more, so the info is not going to do anything but make you anxious. Also I get wanting to listen to the pediatrician, but even before her recent weight gain gaining 0.3g less than normal...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @edwinoel I think the cutoffs have always varied by state? The increased rate of redshirting may be a newer phenomenon. But there have always been states where some kids would be pushing 19 by the end of senior year even without redshirting. It does feel like something that should be...
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    She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore

    @tonyrichy86 Jaws of life 😂. In all seriousness though, not the commenter above but my baby is similarly large (she was over 11lbs at 4 weeks, 9lbs at birth) and giving birth to her really wasn’t bad! The head is the hardest part to get out and hers was only 54th percentile.
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @tgia413 Yeah I’ve never understood the big deal about 17-year-olds in college. I was 17 for my entire first semester of college and it was fine. Not turning 21 until halfway through senior year was probably the most annoying part, but I lived lol.
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @susienaps I’m not sure the age-inappropriate expectations can be explained as just due to redshirting, though. There may be a vicious cycle element to it now, but I’ve heard some theorize that it’s more the other way around (redshirting increased because we made kindergarten inappropriate for...
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    A/B Testing: My experience with Vaginal vs. Scheduled C Section

    @anonymous8 You can also do a scheduled elective induction for point #1, no?
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    At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

    @caitlin_12 I initially didn’t want even grandparents to do it when she was a really fresh newborn. But my daughter is 2.5 months and I’ve since dropped that restriction for awhile now. Can’t even remember exactly when or how. At some point it felt like an unreasonable rule to keep up when my...
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    Need affirmation

    @saxonity Re: the bonding aspect, one thing that helped me is to remember that you can still do skin to skin/contact naps! That’s where a lot of the bonding of breastfeeding comes from - the physical contact. 90% of that can be done without the actual feeding from your body aspect.
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    Maternity Leave in California - Paid By Employer

    @valpal1123 You should definitely ask your employer. Imagine they will want to structure it to minimize the amount they have to pay, but they wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to giving you more time if it doesn’t cost them. One question is what “fully paid” state leave entails if you are a high...