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    Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

    @kmaureenc Nice to meet you! :-) Mutual congrats, Mommy!
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    Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

    @kumbaya Thank you! :-) My pregnancy phone apps are all saying June 16th... exciting! (My mom's b-day is June 18th... oh boy, when SHE finds out... lol!)
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    Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

    @nwalls Very true! It's definitely wonderful to have a support system handy, and like you said - God forbid, if the worse should happen, at least we had the time that we did. DH & I talked about it, & decided Thanksgiving is definitely when we're gonna tell our immediate families - parents &...
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    Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

    @digitalphiltv Yah... we've told a friend of ours that's also pregnant (about 3-4 months ahead of me), since we figured it'd be cool for me to have someone to 'swap pregnancy info with', lol. No worries, you make total sense, I agree. I'm trying to at least last until Thanksgiving, b/c DH & I...
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    Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

    @%C3%86joshu Thanks! :-)
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    Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

    Hi all! I JUST found out I was pregnant (officially, blood test) yesterday, so figured I'd put in my 2 cents! The doc's office didn't let me know how far along I was (or if the blood test even showed that), but based on my LMP/date(s) of BD, I estimate that I'm about 2 weeks along so far (in my...
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    Had my anatomy scan yesterday & *officially* joined a team!

    @farishta Thank you! My husband picked out Logan (not an X-Men fan, but he liked it b/c of Logan Airport, thought it sounded nice, lol), and Patrick is after my mother (Patricia). :-)
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    Had my anatomy scan yesterday & *officially* joined a team!

    (Also x-posted to r/BabyBumps & r/Septemberbumpers2017, just FYI) I had my anatomy scan yesterday at 18w2d! Longer story short: the little one cooperated, everything looks good & healthy, and we found out with 100% certainty that we are definitely having a boy! (We were pretty sure we were...