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    IVF Twins: 2 girls, or 1 boy + 1 girl, what would you pick?

    @chuckm Can’t really speak to the medical decision of 1 v 2, but can say twin pregnancies and twin parenting is HARD. Our girls were born at 28+2, and had a long bumpy NICU stay(81/106 days) both are thriving now, but was a rough road getting here(13 months old) My wife and I have a very...
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    Shyloh has been diagnosed with NEC

    @barneyo My daughter had a horrible case of NEC, but made it through and is doing great now(14 months). Feel free to DM me with any questions
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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @saintvron Yes at about 3 weeks actual, was a bad case, but once she cleared that(including losing 1/2 her colon) she has had no issues with formula
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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @saintvron Don’t know he odds, but know it decreases the later they were born, and the older they are(actual). One of our twins(28+2) developed NEC. Now 11 mo actual, 8 adjusted. We feed her a mix of ebm(fortified to 24kcal with nutramigen) and 24kcal nutramigen. Has tolerated that with no issues