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  1. B

    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    @delon Thanks for your thoughtful feedback! My financial situation is a little weird. My husband and I definitely make enough money, but we are also entrepreneurs so no benefits and our profit this year doesn’t mean it will be same next. So that can makes things feel a bit uncertain. In terms...
  2. B

    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    @katrina2017 Yeah this is honestly spot on. I think I arbitrarily thought of 3 years as the max gap between kids mostly bc that’s what I grew up with and I’ve never had examples of anyone with a larger gap than that. I always envisioned myself being done with having kids by like 36 which was a...
  3. B

    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    @shawnv78 Thanks for sharing! V helpful!
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    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    @kekinean Love this! Thanks for sharing!!
  5. B

    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    @tiramisu Aww this is so cool! Thanks for sharing and congrats!!!
  6. B

    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    I feel really confused about whether to have another kid or not and looking for some advice/feedback on what to do. I’m 37 (f) married to a 41(m) and we have a 5 y.o daughter. Never planned to have two- in fact I was strongly one and done, but the idea to have another hit me like a ton of bricks...