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  1. M

    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    @ajhnh Yea it's not in thing in my parent circle. Not happening
  2. M

    Teen retaliation

    @scottwilson Time to press charges. Tell him be has 60 days to get a job and pay for his own phone bill. Let him sink or swim. He's old enough to face the consequences of his actions. Find another school I don't understand paying for classes in high-school outside of a private school
  3. M

    I am at my wits end with my daughter’s (16f) sleep schedule. Any advice, kind words and virtual hugs accepted

    @k3at May have to do inpatient treatment if she is refusing to follow the doctors orders as far as medication and continued counseling. Pandemic has been extremely hard on teens unfortunately. Maybe set data cap on all devices and turn off wifi at 10pm you'll have to change the wifi password and...