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  1. L

    6weeks 0 days

    @ilion Thanks so much. Our RE did say there is a small SCH that likely caused the bleed, so just observation for now.
  2. L

    6weeks 0 days

    UPDATE. Had ultrasound 10 mins ago and saw Heart beat! Everything is okay!
  3. L

    6weeks 0 days

    @thewingsoftruth It was more bright pink than red, but like a small little bit. This morning is was more brownish
  4. L

    6weeks 0 days

    My wife started spotting last night. Very very light, but bright red/pink. It continued a little into today, to even less extent. We called our clinic and they are moving up our ultra sound from this coming Monday, to tomorrow morning. They said spotting is common but we are freaked out...