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  1. C

    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @laurie4321 My 3.25 year old has been fighting naps but also still needs them. These two things have helped: I got her a few special things for “quiet time.” A drawing board and a letter and number tracing board. They didn’t hold her attention long but she left her room and told me she wanted to...
  2. C

    Nonstop Begging

    @salimpu One of “Hunt Gather Parent”’s tactic is to ask something like, “Who’s whining at me?” I tried it with my two and a half year old a few weeks ago and to my utter surprise she sobbed, “Mmmmeeeee!!!!” She still had emotions for a bit but it did seem to lessen the intensity.