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  1. R

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @georgengondo My epidural was lovely. It was the pitocin contractions before the epidural that were hellish. My 2nd and 3rd were completely unmedicated and the pain was manageable right up until transition (which was also when my waters broke, fwiw). By then it’s too late and the only way out is...
  2. R

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @jolene576 I feel you so hard. My shortest pregnancy (of 3) was 40+5. I will say though that for me, pitocin can suck my balls. My whole unmediated birth the second time (41+4!) was less painful than being induced with the first and getting an epidural. The recovery especially was a breeze.