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  1. E

    Toddler sleep: at my wits end

    @sevenout03 Just to say that it actually is a lot more common than you think. My 14 mo wakes up about the same amount, and has been through every medical test possible and is all clear. I've met a lot of other people going through the same thing
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    My baby is 12 months. Can I fall asleep with her in my arms now?

    @markeita I know that cosleepy (on insta and also has a podcast) advises how to do safe chest sleeping
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    Toddler sleep: at my wits end

    @wolfsgold My 14mo wakes up every 30-60 mins, so I'm right there with you. I night weaned using a modified version of the Jay Gordon method (I didn't ever put her down awake, just broke the feed-to-sleep association). It did make things better for a while and we got a few nights with longer...
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    What are babies like at 5-6 months

    @davvda Yep same. We were getting 7 hour stretches and foolishly thinking that was it, we had a magic baby. Then bam, regression hit at 3.5 months and sleep has been atrocious ever since
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    What are babies like at 5-6 months

    @2bberean Just to offer a counter experience - my baby is 5.5 months and sleeps terribly since the 4 month regression. She still does short naps and prefers contact naps. She is much more alert and active but if anything it makes it harder to do anything as she needs constant entertainment. It...
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @juliand Ahaha got it thank you! My partner actually works in the NHS as a physio and that's why he has a hatred for osteos. There is apparently no evidence they work. But in my eyes if they don't harm then why not give it a go?
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @juliand Can I ask you about the cranial osteopath? My partner is a HUGE sceptic and I am trying to persuade him that it might be worthwhile. What did it help with specifically ?
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    6.5 month old- waking every hour

    @arrachidi Yes, I feel exactly the same as everything you have said! I think mostly sleep just comes down to a baby's personality and it is so rarely anything the parent does. I can also assure you it is NOT normal as two professional sleep coaches have told me that 😂😭 I really struggle...
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    6.5 month old- waking every hour

    @arrachidi Hey, first of all I want to say a massive well done. You did so well getting your milk in and trusting your instincts to refuse formula and everything else you did so please be proud. My 8mo is very similar to yours, and we didn't cosleep until 3.5 months (when the regression hit) so...