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    What do you tell your pediatrician about sleep?

    @oceanbreeze4evr Yeah my baby sleeps through. She wouldn't if we didn't bedshare
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    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @katrina2017 In the UK, none of my 4 NICU babies, 3 of whom were premature, have ever had to do a car seat test. They were all off oxygen before they came home if that makes a difference, but with 4 of them I'd consider myself a fairly experienced NICU mum and have never come across that here.
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    @angeliqueg You're not a bad mother. Society likes to divorce all maternal instinct from parenting. Me and my husband are not American and in his culture cosleeping is normal and he did it. In mine, its not normal exactly but its not that unusual. Look at various cultures around the world and...