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  1. F

    I’m ready. He’s not

    @diego87 That is so frustrating. I feel like now that the first one is out I’m on a bit of a timeline for the second one. I was joking earlier today (to my husband) our first kid is going to be in college and he will be like “okay, I’m ready for number two now.” 🙄
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    I’m ready. He’s not

    @alpha42 Could you do a small civil ceremony if you can’t get your big wedding? I have such a hard time imagining still dealing with covid next September. But I know we likely will be. That’s been another of my husband’s arguments - “are you sure you want to have a baby during a pandemic.”...
  3. F

    I’m ready. He’s not

    @alpha42 Yep. Same same on the proposal. I have straight up told him I don’t want to have to be responsible for all of these decisions. So frustrating. Hope you guys get your wedding soon. Covid sucks!
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    I’m ready. He’s not

    @alpha42 I know that feeling so well. My husband doesn’t like change - and needs a push when it comes to everything.
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    I’m ready. He’s not

    @alpha42 I feel you. We dealt with the same thing the first time around and it was so frustrating. Eventually I asked him if he’d be “ready” anytime before I hit menopause. He agreed he probably wouldn’t ever be truly ready. And then a few months later agreed to start trying. I just didn’t...
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    I’m ready. He’s not

    @luckswallows Thanks for the kind words. Sorry you’re going through that. We found out my husband is the carrier of a genetic disease when I was pregnant and it was really stressful getting all those tests and trying to figure out what would happen with the baby. Luckily it’s recessive and I’m...
  7. F

    I’m ready. He’s not

    My husband and I already have one baby, who is now a toddler. Since before I got pregnant we talked about how we wanted two. And I’ve said pretty consistently I want them to be close together. I don’t mind pregnancy, I don’t mind breastfeeding, but I am looking forward to the day when I...