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  1. I

    PLS sleep group

    @tennis4375 No this is so helpful. Thank you. I think the, “gentle method does not mean no tears at all” concept is some thing that my husband and I really have to internalize. Also, I know that the biggest help in all of this is just time and letting him grow and learn at his own pace, it’s...
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    PLS sleep group

    @tennis4375 Hey! A year later- how did you like working with cradle coach? Was it helpful for y’all
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    CIO night one

    @kings9111 Extinction burst!
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    CIO night one

    @kings9111 Also it’s been 6 weeks of nursing him to sleep every single hour. I’m so ready for sleep.
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    CIO night one

    Update 4: after I fed him at 3:15ish, he slept for another 1.5hr. When he woke up, I went in and soothed him, at this point I believe he smelled milk and once I got him calm and put him back down, he absolutely wailed for 15min straight, then my husband went and consoled. He cried for 13 min...
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    CIO night one

    Update 3: after he went down after 12 min, he slept for over an hour until the fucking cat scratched at the bedroom door and woke him up. I wanted to throw the cat in the garbage can. By that time it was past midnight which was my cutoff for feeding, so I went ahead and fed for about 10 min...
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    CIO night one

    @phdjones Thanks! I soothed him after 10 min; put him back awake, he cried immediately; set the timer for 15 min; he stopped crying by 12 min. Hoping he stays asleep longer this time! He is 4.5mo- 20 weeks tomorrow.
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    CIO night one

    Update 2: he woke after about 35 min asleep (I’m assuming sleep cycle 1). Giving him 10 min, then going to console, ferbering the rest of the night until after midnight- then I will feed.
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    CIO night one

    @betterthani I tried hard to stick to wake windows and he was up for 2hr 45min before bedtime. Really hoping it works. He’s been crying for 30+ min now. 😭
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    CIO night one

    Update: he is a tenacious little dude. After a solid hour of crying I went in and consoled, and put him back down awake when he was calm (he INSTANTLY stopped crying in my arms- my baby 😓). Cried for 20 more minutes and is now, I think, asleep. Fuck me this is difficult.
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    CIO night one

    Welp, here we are at night 1 of CIO. I was not expecting us to be here, but my husband accidentally(?) did two naps CIO today, and I figured instead of confusing him, which would be unfair to him, we might as well just roll with it. For his naps he cried for 25-30 min and then slept for an hour...
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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @breaf123 I wonder why they only used girls in that study?