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  1. C

    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    @ilearn I was thinking that, but I would have to cap his naps to under an hour or more his bedtime super late, right? I feel like I'm having trouble fitting all of his sleep in if I move his ww. Unless, like someone else said, do a short nap for the second nap to hold him over?
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    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    @superselcer Ugh, I'm not sure why he's so upset in there. I'm wondering if I should put a nightlight in there. I've never seen him so upset. He settles as soon as I pick him up, he falls right asleep in my arms. But the shaking is what hurts my heart. So I caved and picked him up, hoping the...
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    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    @superselcer Did she stand and cry nonstop, shaking, and bouncing on her bed? Because I tried to do some retraining last night and my heart broke. He seems scared in there 😓
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    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    @superselcer Did she do okay with the 6:30 bedtime. I worry about our LO doing an early bedtime because right now he goes down at 8:00. Ugh, four teeth. I feel for you!
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    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    @trivalee Thank you so much! I appreciate your advice. I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes. I hope longer Wake windows help him. Poor angel is so sad and so sleepy. Have you ever heard of fear of the dark kicking in at this age? I'm wondering if I should add a nightlight.
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    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    @trivalee Thank you! Sorry, by bridge nap, do you mean for the second nap? Just give him a short nap to hold him over until bedtime until he can drop it completely?
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    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    Hi there! Our LO is 14-months-old and has been sleep trained since he was 4-months-old, after we transitioned him from his Snoo. He did amazing. We did Ferber, and he cried a bit, but mostly whined and we had a pretty great sleeper after that, which is great, because he was not getting any...
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    I’m exhausted and it’s my 6 month olds fault

    @chesed28 Hang in there, Mama! You know your baby best. Do what works for your family. CIO didn't work for us or our LO either. He will get there. Something is clearly bothering him. I would suggest, when he wakes up in the middle of the night, wait about five minutes. Go to the bathroom, take...
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    I’m exhausted and it’s my 6 month olds fault

    @chesed28 2-2.5 is perfect! You're doing everything right! If his wake windows look good and he's getting enough daytime calories, you are doing right by him! Is there any chance he's teething? Our LO just got his first two teeth, but he was teething for months! We offered mortin as needed, no...
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    I’m exhausted and it’s my 6 month olds fault

    @chesed28 That seems really good! What are his wake windows for the rest of the day? Also, don't beat yourself up for being frustrated when he wakes up. Sleep deprivation is real, and it is hard! I still get upset and anxious when a nap or bedtime doesn't go to plan. It's like, I'm doing...
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    I’m exhausted and it’s my 6 month olds fault

    @chesed28 Thank you! Are you capping daytime sleep?
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    I’m exhausted and it’s my 6 month olds fault

    @chesed28 We had this issue creep up before as well. What ended up being the issue was his wake windows weren't working anymore for his age. I adjusted his wake windows and made the last wake window longer, which pushed his bedtime back slightly, but he's been doing amazing since! Minus this...