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    Struggling with ST culture

    @dimmuborgir Ergh I hate that for you. It's such a hard thing when your friends are deep into the sleep train hole. Or any militant parenting motto tbh. There are some friends who I can just steer the conversation away from. But there are absolutely some friends I have had to say "I am...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @riseup Another Australian mum here also struggling with this. It's everywhere. Even on the morning show the other day at the doctor's office. It's gotten to the point that I refuse to discuss sleep with people. I have even told my partner that when friends come over with their babe, no sleep...
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    Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

    @confusedbuthopeful Haha I would be sticking the earbuds up his nose 😅 If you are a light sleeper the earbuds probably aren't a risk. I wear earbuds AND have sleep headphones playing white noise and I still wake up straight away for bub. But it's also just me and bub on a floor bed so less risk
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    Am I supposed to run 3 whole washer cycles every 1-2 days for 3-8 tiny rectangles?

    @buckeye_momof4 Seconding this as another mum who ECs. Unfortunately the daily prewashing (when overnight nappying) is necessary to break the ammonia build up cycle. If you have a front loader they really don't use much water. So much less than hand washing them would. Two hot washes or...
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    @flowerchildtt If it's a red spotty rash is probably got some thrush in there which needs some antifungal. You can get one mixed with a mild steroidal cream that will help heaps. Other than that it might be your wash routine and a ammonia burn. How did you sanitise the inserts and what is your...