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    My Chinese grandmother threatened to hit my son.. and refuses to apologize

    @driltech Where are your parents in this? Can they have a conversation with her about how parenting has changed and it is not acceptable to hit or threaten to hit? She might take it better from them than you. That's so hard... you need to set a boundary that hitting/screaming is not okay...
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    Almost 4 month old still feeding every 1-2 hours 24/7 for 5 weeks, I'm about to lose my sanity

    @patrickmoore89 Yes! I remember those days, it was right when I was starting to go back to work 🫠 longer stretches will come back slowly & surely. This is a season 😬 You can check heysleepybaby's red flags highlight to see if you're worried & this is another account I've liked lately...
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    Almost 4 month old still feeding every 1-2 hours 24/7 for 5 weeks, I'm about to lose my sanity

    @patrickmoore89 That's the four month sleep regression/progression when babies' sleep cycle go from newborn to more similar to adults. They go from seeming like they sleep so well to almost like we did something wrong. Eventually your baby will sleep in long and longer stretches again. It...
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    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    @ufekevom That 100% sounds like teething. Feeding to sleep does not cause your baby to wake, it's the most physiologically normal thing. You are not hindering her. Allowing dependence when they need it allows them to have more independence later. Agreed with other poster, try to educate him...
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    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    @eddiebeltran I thought the same thing! Why is he a former physician??
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    Nursing tank recommendations (no clips!$

    @okfine I don't know how it got production... Milk bar on IG is apparently releasing one that good to pull down next week.
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    Nursing tank recommendations (no clips!$

    @okfine Just got a white Auden nursing tank and the cups are white and completely showed through! 😡 Returned them, now contemplating rebuying and replacing with nude colored cups.
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    Cuddle curl but not feeding side lying?

    @tom34 I sat up in bed until he was maybe 6-8 mo to nurse during the night. I was warned against doing side lying nursing by another redditor and becoming a milk bar. After that we switched to side lying 99% of the time at night and both of us are very happy with it and get even more sleep. (LO...