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  1. C

    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    @seditthis Natural language is fun lol. I tend to try to abstract if I can, but I think it just ended up being ambiguous. We let him play with whatever is available/safe that he’s interested in, and (when not decompressing from everyday life) will try to engage him constructively while we’re...
  2. C

    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    @kmar123 That is helpful to know! I suppose it just can happen, and relates to some other less obvious factors more than I’ve been considering.
  3. C

    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    @kmar123 Glad to hear I’m not alone! Can I ask - is she in daycare? Part of this is me wondering if I should be directly addressing differences in how things are handled at daycare vs. at home.
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    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    @continualseeker I’ll tell you I was a lot more conscientious today about pointing out the good, and it felt good. That is a ratio that I’ll probably need to strive for (assumed, I’ve never tracked this stuff but it feels higher than what I’m probably doing). Thank you for sharing this guidance!
  5. C

    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    @continualseeker Thank you for these suggestions! We do use planned ignoring, which I didn’t know was called that! I’ll have to look into this more to see if there are tweaks to our technique to incorporate. “Catch him doing good a lot” - I love this way of saying this. I think that I do this...
  6. C

    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    @presvytera This is a great idea.
  7. C

    Toddler seems acutely upset by getting ‘in trouble’

    For behavioral discipline, we use ‘time-in’s’ with our nearly 4 y/o. This looks like going to a book nook corner, calming down, being mindful, and discussing whatever had just happened. At daycare, they do time outs. I feel like lately, when I say we are going to do a time-in, he gets nearly...