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  1. Y

    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    @donw1245 I met someone who thought that in order to be twins they had to be born at the same time Like push both heads out at the same time She had a son and is a part of a mommy/baby group I go to Like I mentioned I had twins when a new member joined and this other women pipes up “Your...
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    Help with sleep training

    @strugglingsinner1 Don’t beat yourself up, it’s actually bad to sleep train before 4 months as it can stunt brain development as at 3 months baby’s will only cry if somethings wrong by sleep training at 3 months with cry it out your teaching your baby you don’t care and that there’s no point...
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    Sharing a crib

    @smaxiner In the UK sharing a crib is allowed BUT only until 2 months old and the baby’s must be swaddled and placed parallel with the head and footer board rather than perpendicular like you normally would, you must also leave 2 baby’s worth of space between them If they start showing signs...