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  1. B

    Support and Love Needed

    @joey88 I've been there too. We had two miscarriages at 8-10 weeks. Logically, I know that miscarriage is super common and just a part of human reproduction. But emotionally, it still shakes you. And that's ok. With the second one was tested the tissue and we know it was a chromosomal problem...
  2. B

    Miscarriage at 8.5 weeks. How to start over?

    @xelador I would feel free to talk to your OB about it. But they are unlikely to do anything after a single miscarriage. Typically, after the 3rd one, they get serious about exploring other options. However because of our age (early 40s) my partner and I pushed after the 2nd one and got referred...
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    My (M) insurance when it comes to baby with my Fiancée (F)

    @levit7 I am not a tax expert or even an accountant. However my understanding is that you can only spend your FSA/HSA money on yourself or your legal dependents. Until the baby is born, I don't think he can be considered a dependent. I would find it VERY weird if your insurance would cover...