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  1. J

    Always justifying how I take care of LO

    @andreea777 I have been there, done that. The only solution was to put ANYONE with vocal opinions on an information diet. If I didn’t ask for your opinion, then keep it to yourself. You do EXACTLY what you want for your babe, and anyone who disagrees is more than welcome to have their own child...
  2. J

    How do I tell my husband to have a little more empathy for me as a sahm?

  3. J

    3 weeks of no diapers and STILL haven’t made it to the bathroom for poop

    @drawingangel2 Look, my kid is almost 3 and I’ve tried it all. He’s just not hyped about alerting me. I’ve decided, after 4 months of driving myself nuts, to just try my best and encourage him throughout the day. He’s my second kid and polar opposite of my first…and I’m just going to be ok with...
  4. J

    Does anyone else’s working spouse do this? I swear it’s cognitive dissonance

    @jlee27 1000% same at my house, totally agree