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  1. J

    OPOL, ML@H, a bunch of (probably crappy) methods I invented, and questions for you more experienced folks from prospective parents

    @longroad I agree with this answer. OPOL is prevalent simply because it's rare that both parents overlap in their native languages. Almost all OPOL families I know personally, one of whose at-home languages is the community language, have kids who start only speaking the community language to...
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    Questions and thoughts from a daycare teacher

    @mica_ I would be thrilled if our daycare teachers had the same attitude as you do about this. I think it's great when adults show kids they are attempting a language they are not proficient at as both a sign of respect and curiosity about the kids' culture and as a demonstration of a growth...
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    Taking Cara Babies v Ferber

    @kingdomkings I'm somewhat new here and have only briefly interacted with the Taking Cara Babies materials. Would be helpful to hear why she's seen as problematic. (I'm about to have my third and am planning to read Precious Little Sleep since I see it referenced so much on this sub. My...
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    Raising child trilingual (OPOL) when parents don’t speak each others language

    @pollyton Ah yes, now that you say that, I'm aware of that being the case with Semitic languages. That does make learning tough! I mean, what can I say, only you guys can figure out if this is the sort of struggle that's worthwhile for you. The alienation you speak of is certainly real, and for...
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    High hCG at 4 weeks

    @primarye Yep, you did just as you were supposed to and I did the thing I don't recommend and didn't ultimately find reassuring 🤦‍♀️ My personal takeaway for how to do this in the future: A couple of betas, max, then ultrasounds (preferably no earlier than 6½-7w so you can actually see...
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    Raising child trilingual (OPOL) when parents don’t speak each others language

    @pollyton In the long term, you will have the most success passing on Dutch and Hebrew if you avoid lapsing into the community language as much as you can, since the community language will almost certainly become the child's strongest language with the potential to crowd out all the other...
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    High hCG at 4 weeks

    @primarye I was 439 at 14DPO, then 1461 at 16DPO (a quadrupling in 2 days!), then 7300+ at 20DPO, then 23,000+ at 23DPO, and finally 69,000+ at 28DPO. At that rate, I was projected to exceed 200,000DPO in the 1st trimester and was worried about all the things Dr. Google will tell you to worry...
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    Minority language development and process!

    @brittanyolee Just continuing to consistently speak the minority language is the most important thing. Interactions with others who also speak the language are important, whether through FaceTiming with family or through playdates with kids who actually speak the language (not always easy to...
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    Please explain test strips to me like I’m 5!

    @blucrane Hello! The reason it's recommended that you don't test with first morning urine (FMU) but with second morning urine (at 9-10am) is that for most folks, the hormone you're trying to catch doesn't peak until later in the morning. But there are other things that influence how concentrated...
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    Please explain test strips to me like I’m 5!

    @jackie I hope it’s helpful! It took a while to wrap my head around all of it, so glad to pass on the info in a hopefully useful way 👍
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    Please explain test strips to me like I’m 5!

    @jackie I used ovulation strips for all 6 of my intended pregnancies and managed to get pregnant in either 1 or 2 cycles, never having to have sex more than 3 times with each try (and often just 2 times) in the fertile window predicted by the strips. (The suggestion to have sex on schedule every...
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    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    @godmadegorillas Yeah, I'd also be curious to hear from others who know better about how effective German schools are at teaching English. From personal experience, all the German expat friends and friends of friends who live in Berlin tend to speak pretty excellent and nuanced English, so I've...
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    Need help plan moving fwd w trilingual toddler

    @yaheli I agree, no need to split, just speak Spanish to him and he’ll adjust. That way you’ll also get much better at Spanish over time and it will feel like less and less of a strain on you. I certainly got much better at my own heritage language after speaking it to my child since her birth!