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  1. N

    What vitamins to take while waiting?

    @jessie29 Thanks for the specific recommendation, I’ll take a look into that kind :)
  2. N

    What vitamins to take while waiting?

    @johnabill I think I’d probably just prefer to wait on iron until actively trying or finding I’m pregnant since I’m mainly concerned about having folic acid since it’s so important for that early development before you even find out.
  3. N

    What vitamins to take while waiting?

    @lanternburning Yeah I’ve never been told I have any deficiencies and I actually am on continuous birth control to not get a period and already struggle with constipation issues so I definitely don’t want an accidental excess of iron since that can make that worse from what I read! I’ll wait on...
  4. N

    What vitamins to take while waiting?

    @lanternburning Yes I am in the U.S. and definitely also plan to ask a doctor/midwife at the next opportunity what they recommend it just feels like my timeline is simultaneously too far out to where it makes sense to go full gung-ho with preconception level vitamins but you never know when an...
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    What vitamins to take while waiting?

    My husband (33) and I (29) are planning to try in 2-3 years because we’d like to save up a solid buffer fund and have my husband increase his income so that I can afford to stay home and we’d also like to go on more vacations and live it up a bit. That said, even though I’ve never been pregnant...
  6. N

    How did you decide you were ready to try?

    @johnabill Yeah I think for me it immediately became very clear I still had a strong internal desire and was basically trying to talk myself out of it for a lot of external reasons. I’m a nanny so I do get a lot of the enjoyment of raising babies and toddlers but I am also happy to get to come...
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    How did you decide you were ready to try?

    @mentallydiseasedapostate So I went from really wanting kids since I was young to thinking my husband and I wouldn’t have them for a few years once it became a real possibility. Then I started rethinking it and honestly wasn’t sure anymore and he could kind of go either way but was definitely...