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  1. J

    I didn’t clean baby’s back properly and she had poop on it

    @doublev Of course this happens all the time. It’s a simple mistake especially when you’re tired or frazzled. Go easy on each other.
  2. J

    1 year mark

    @ericguitarman We first started offering cows milk with meals. He was still having his regular formula in am/pm, naptime and occasionally as an evening snack. He started preferring meals over milk so we just weaned back on formula following his lead. He always seemed sensitive to dairy and was...
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    1 year mark

    @ericguitarman Honestly at 1 year old I found things got a bit dicey… he was a lot more mobile and opinionated and shortly thereafter his tantrums started. We are at 14 months now and I feel that things have improved a LOT. My son is able to communicate a lot better and is independent, wants to...
  4. J

    Those who had a C-section, what were you able to do for baby while recovering from surgery?

    @blessedbythebest88 A tall bed would be more difficult for sure. I had a short bed and getting in and out was the most difficult part
  5. J

    Those who had a C-section, what were you able to do for baby while recovering from surgery?

    @ocdandme My experience was similar. Unplanned c section, was up and walking just around the 24h mark. First 3 days were the hardest, and after that steady improvement. I was warned about stairs and super nervous because I live in a backsplit… but it wasn’t bad at all. I avoided carrying baby up...