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    Cow milk transition advice

    @jesusisyahweh Pediatrician advised not to do this with our oldest when he weaned himself at 10 months. I would stick to supplementing with formula.
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    HoW WiLl I hIdE tHaT i'M nOt DrInKiNg

    @katrina2017 Same here - not announcing to everyone but definitely my close friends. For the most part it's actually been super helpful because instead of questions that are prying and hurtful when TTC they ask how it's going and how I'm/we're handling it and if we need anything. Also the...
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    My son lost 6 oz of weight between Friday and yesterday despite eating very regularly and having all the diapers needed to be “normal”

    @aletia I'm so sorry. It's so hard to not have your breastfeeding experience align with what you want or envision. I hope you're able to work through these feelings and keep ahold of what's important - he's healthy and you are making sure he's fed.