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    I just feel sick

    @david1975 I understand. I think it's okay to let it be hard. It's fucking hard.
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    I just feel sick

    @david1975 Hi there! I know all of the feelings you're describing, including the hopelessness and the not knowing if I should have kids now (or ever) in this political landscape. I've felt and am feeling them all too. As an individual I feel like I have no agency. But don't forget that we are...
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    Not to be a hater but

    @dbog I totally agree!! Sometimes I fantasize about there being a national movement of would-be parents that band together and say, "If you want us to have the next generation of Americans, you better making it fucking humane to have the next generation of Americans! No baby until it won't cost...
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    The overturn of Roe V. Wade terrifies me

    @aaacosta09 I'm terrified too, OP. Years ago I worked with someone whose sister was pregnant and seeking a termination because they found out that the brain of the fetus was growing outside of the skull, making the pregnancy unviable. My coworker was livid because, despite this information that...