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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @ttolainchrist Oh no! I thought it would get better by then! Are they on breastmilk still or some kind of formula/nutritional supplement?
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @youcantsitwithus I feel like until all of her teeth come in, the answer to "is she teething?" Will always be "I dunno. Could be." She only just now got her 5th and 6th teeth so she has a lot to go. She fairly consistently gets up between 6 and 630. We haven't tried capping her naps since she...
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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @brehar Solidarity here. My daughter is almost 13 months and is still waking up every two hours, if we're lucky. More often on bad nights. 23 months sounds soooo far away...