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  1. F

    MIL wants Medical Authorization Form for 13 m.o

    @irisnicole8405 No no no. She does not need this form. This sounds like red flags and overstepping boundaries. And her behavior just sounds like an extra stressor you don't need. I would be putting her in daycare as a one year old at this point. She will interact with other children and if in...
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @linka81 My 9 month old gets by on one or two feeds a night. It's only been more than that during growth spurts or when she's been sick and needed more fluids. We've been at that one or two feeds for a long time. I am EBF and we cosleep so it's pretty easy to just let her shinny over to me and...
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    Would you send baby for settle sessions at nursery when there's a d and v bug?

    @tali26 Sounds like maybe something like Norovirus is going around? It's really rough on little kids. Keeping them hydrated can be tricky. Personally I would keep them home. august 7th is only two weeks. I'd rather wait two weeks then debate with my pediatrician if my kid is sick enough to go to...
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    Daycare says Cloth Diapers Uncomfortable

    @raylog54796157 Ick. That's just so icky to do. Very sneaky. Lol can Mom keep a log at home so she can counter? "11:06am Changed diaper. Baby loved it. Pocket with charcoal insert. No diaper cream. Baby seems so comfy."
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    Daycare says Cloth Diapers Uncomfortable

    @trevorkian Does seem passive aggressive honestly but I imagine they have an obligation to record stuff? But beyond 'changed diaper- using disposable' I'm not sure why they need to use the rhetoric that the baby is uncomfortable. If your kid is always comfortable in CD at home and everywhere...
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @seanm112 I love your ELI5 explanation and totally makes sense. Hopefully this will help someone else who stumbles on this with the same questions. Thank you!
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @jeremyumc If I'm stupid and wrong someone please correct me. So I tried to look this up cause I imagine heat has to be involved in the process of making powdered formulas and also in sterilizing the liquid ones. On Wikipedia page for infant formula it has a section called 'current general...
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    Pampers Childbirth Classes

    @raycrossley52 Saint!
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @danaross67 Also boiling point is 100C or 212F. 70 and 100 seem a lot easier to remember and less random than 158 and 212.
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @pelegrinus It doesn't make ya feel good, does it? But the cover letter does provide information about how to prepare powdered formula to help protect against Cronobacter.
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @kashanali897 Thanks, this is great info 👍🏻!
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @kashanali897 That's really interesting. I don't think any of the brands are bad. Like there are definitely formulas that fall under these umbrellas like Nutrimigen which I know some parents rely on. I'm thinking that certain bacteria are becoming perhaps more and more evasive but also it is SO...
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @his_word_is_truth It's a failure to educate or disseminate information. People aren't risking it intentionally. They just don't know better.
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    A p*rvert messaged me thru this group!

    @christiantunescafe It's the name of this sub with private in front
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    A p*rvert messaged me thru this group!

    @christiantunescafe I got in through a post to inform the community about the private side. I think if you want in you may need to message an admin? They will vet you and then let you in and you can then go follow the sub. I know on the info part of this sub they explain how to get into the...
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @francoisakafran It's really unfair that you had to go through this. I breastfed through the shortage too but I had very close friends that experienced the extreme stress of trying to feed their babies and it's really messed up and unacceptable.
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    A p*rvert messaged me thru this group!

    @chuckkarev Go to the private side of this sub. An admin can let you in. All you have to do is ask.
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @nrg23 That's great! Do you have an article on it by any chance? I've tried searching but everything coming up mostly has to do with the FDA letter. I'm also probably not entering the right terms in the search engine but I'd love to learn more about this. I did find that it's available at...
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @naturefanatic79 Thanks for sharing the article! More info always welcome. It seems like in a lot of the cases the contamination was self-reported and self-contained. It just seems like the FDA is taking issue with specifics and pushing them to do more investigations and identify problems or...
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers Please don't shoot the messenger! I have a baby due 10/01/2023 and I'd want to know about this and I feel like other parents have a right to be informed too. I've not seen this in...