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  1. N

    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @paradise_falls I was 18.5 when I graduated and my age never ever crossed my mind. It also never even crossed my mind for those who weren't 18 by graduation! But maybe it's something they thought about. Just my two cents on personal experience.
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    Help me think through this "silly" worry? [vacations + OAD not by choice]

    @kosherinchrist I went on tons of vacations as an only!! I always enjoyed them. I either would bring a friend or my mom would help me meet other kids my age during them to hang out with. I also always had a lot of fun with my parents as well if it ended up just being the three of us.
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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @wowreallyguys I was going to suggest something like this. We do it every weekend with our daughter and it is THE BEST!! I also love the idea of movie night snuggles in bed once a week as a tradition and will definitely be doing that when she is older!
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    F**k canine teeth!

    @msa111 My daughter is getting ALL four canine teeth at once right now. Absolutely mental.