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    Unmedicated birth advice

    @catholic2001 Things that helped me: -Music -Tub -Counterpressure (it helped to have two people doing it so they could take breaks - my partner + doula) -A doula -Having “one more thing to add” if things got more intense (basically always being able to add something or try something new...
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    I don’t have a mom or a lot of family. Give me some motherly advice and tips about my first born

    @madscribbler Hugs, internet friend! I had my first baby last June and am low contact with my mom. It can feel so hard to go through these big changes without one. It’s okay to check out mentally while still staying checked in physically. During peak crying times, it is HARD. I would hold my...
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @sarahsknight Totally agree re: physical appearance concerns. I wouldn’t want my child exposed to those messages either! I focused on makeup specifically in my reply because that is what OP noted in their list.
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 Other people have commented something similar but highly recommend looking for non-competitive dance lessons locally. I did dance for 13 years - ranging from tap, jazz, ballet, and pointe. All were non-competitive. Lessons were at a local school (in a cafeteria) and we had one recital...
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    If I dislike the waistband of a SSC, will I dislike a half buckle?

    @rainy214 I hope you can try it first and that it’s a win! 🤞🏻
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    If I dislike the waistband of a SSC, will I dislike a half buckle?

    @rainy214 I hate my SSCs. I’ve tried the Ergo 360, Ergo Original, and Beco Gemini. All give me lower back pain. The Ring Sling was okay. I liked it less once my baby got heavier, although some love it even with toddlers. 😮 I LOVE my Meh Tai. I got it from my Buy Nothing group on a borrow and...
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    FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out

    @ch3apshad3s Do you have a place outdoors you can hang them? I also like using the Dirty Labs enzyme booster, but it isn’t a total miracle worker. All of my hand-me-downs have lost smell from repeated washes + Dirty Labs enzymes + line drying outside. And I have a VERY sensitive nose, if that...
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    Switching to fitteds (Esembly) at 8 months old?

    @lcnolen2022 If you sign up for Esembly’s class, you also get a discount (I believe it’s 20%) after the class happens. I started with the Esembly detergent and haven’t finished it yet, but it definitely works well. I just plan to switch soon to save some $. I wouldn’t recommend the Esembly...