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  1. S

    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @sarahsknight Totally agree re: physical appearance concerns. I wouldn’t want my child exposed to those messages either! I focused on makeup specifically in my reply because that is what OP noted in their list.
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 Other people have commented something similar but highly recommend looking for non-competitive dance lessons locally. I did dance for 13 years - ranging from tap, jazz, ballet, and pointe. All were non-competitive. Lessons were at a local school (in a cafeteria) and we had one recital...
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    If I dislike the waistband of a SSC, will I dislike a half buckle?

    @rainy214 I hope you can try it first and that it’s a win! 🤞🏻
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    If I dislike the waistband of a SSC, will I dislike a half buckle?

    @rainy214 I hate my SSCs. I’ve tried the Ergo 360, Ergo Original, and Beco Gemini. All give me lower back pain. The Ring Sling was okay. I liked it less once my baby got heavier, although some love it even with toddlers. 😮 I LOVE my Meh Tai. I got it from my Buy Nothing group on a borrow and...
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    FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out

    @ch3apshad3s Do you have a place outdoors you can hang them? I also like using the Dirty Labs enzyme booster, but it isn’t a total miracle worker. All of my hand-me-downs have lost smell from repeated washes + Dirty Labs enzymes + line drying outside. And I have a VERY sensitive nose, if that...
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    Switching to fitteds (Esembly) at 8 months old?

    @lcnolen2022 If you sign up for Esembly’s class, you also get a discount (I believe it’s 20%) after the class happens. I started with the Esembly detergent and haven’t finished it yet, but it definitely works well. I just plan to switch soon to save some $. I wouldn’t recommend the Esembly...