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  1. M

    Newborn has trouble sleeping in bassinet so we tried bedsharing last night and it worked but we're still worried

    @selja We had some success pre-warming the bassinet with a hot water bottle so that we could drop baby onto the warm spot. I went a bit mad when baby was really gassy around 6 weeks. Gas drops helped him sleep more than 1hr at a time. We do now bed share everyday as it's the only way he sleeps...
  2. M

    Raising bilingual baby when second language isn’t native to either parent

    @dday Just speak Spanish until it feels natural. Read books, sing songs at home, and hang out with other Spanish speakers when you can. It felt really awkward to begin with but it's getting easier with time and as my vocab gaps fill out. Personally we are loving Mar Benegas's books. Tras tras...