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  1. J

    Can’t stop missing the younger years

    @proangel I understand completely. I've been crying missing those younger years as well. 😢 My son is 12, going through the start of puberty etc. He's so different than he used to we bicker and argue all the time. He still tells me he loves me and we do things together, but I also...
  2. J

    NIPT and NT results were negative. I'm 35 so wondering if I should still do amniocentesis with the risks involved?

    @okieracing In 2011 when I was pregnant with my son, I chose to have an amnio done. I was 38 (considered higher risk bc of my age) and convinced I wasn't going to relax and enjoy my pregnancy unless I knew he was gonna be OK. I just needed to know. I had the amnio on a Friday and took it very...