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  1. S

    I am going home after my C-section and am an emotional wreck having to leave them

    @ryantheirish This almost happened to me, but Dell had a nesting program. So if you got discharged before your kid, if they had availability, they effectively comped the room. For a few days, sometimes longer. You were responsible for keeping it clean, no nurse service, etc. but it was awesome...
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    Are there any positive long term outcome stories from babies on ECMO?

    @nicolelovesjesus ToF :( We are luckily near Dell Children’s and a great surgeon (one of the best!). Shes right in the middle but extremely russian roulette right now on severity. Healthy otherwise
  3. S

    Are there any positive long term outcome stories from babies on ECMO?

    @nicolelovesjesus Ours has a CHD. The hospital were delivering at has an ECMO literally in the next room and they run them right over after cleanup and initial brief skin to skin. Incredibly grateful.
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    Am I wrong ?

    @melissa43 Ask about Ronald McDonald house. They’re often close to hospitals with nicus. also, if you want to stay, stay. Have him drop you off and pick you up in a day or two. Bring blankets, earplugs and noise cancelling headphones, eye mask, change of clothes, etc. everyone’s different. I...