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  1. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @lockupthewolves You’re so encouraging!! My leave is over, I’ve been back for a few weeks now and haven’t been getting paid, hence the panicked email to payroll which launched this entire discussion. But I can tell you that I worked VERY hard to relax and enjoy my (short) leave. I had severe...
  2. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @gelacy I love that for you!!!
  3. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @bieberlove Yup. This isn’t my first kid, I’ve done this a few times. So I just feel especially dumb that I am just now figuring it out. A day of unpaid time off is actually way more hurtful than I thought…
  4. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @emily_elizabeth You’re so sweet. This week was so rough and your kind words are really bolstering me.
  5. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @debiperry77 The United States, Papua New Guinea, Surinam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, and Tonga are the only ones I know of.
  6. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @stopsigntheology I love your comment, not the biggest, not the best. All the moms I’ve talked to just want a few simple things: job security, at least part of their paycheck (some voted 100%, many were even cool with the 60% many other countries do!), and TIME. I feel like that’s not outrageous...
  7. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @supercow I love this for you! Also, are you hiring?
  8. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    Yes this is about the US. When I took my most recent (0% paid) maternity leave, I took ~9 weeks. My dumbass forgot that my 12 months of paychecks is actually 9 months of paychecks spread out over 12 months. So my dumbass forgot that while I only missed 5 paydays, that’s actually just over 8...