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    Rolling on tummy and freaking out - help

    @sidrashah So she actually flipped at some point overnight (I’m guessing between midnight and 1am), then she slept ok but started whining at 4.45am with her eyes closed - I have a feeling she wanted to turn around but couldn’t ? So I went in and gave her a paci, and she then woke up at 5.40am...
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    Rolling on tummy and freaking out - help

    @trychange I’ve been doing that too! But most of the results I find are on people sleep training and being afraid of SIDS. We’ve ST already and SIDS is not an issue - I just want to know how to get her to get comfortable on her stomachb
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    Rolling on tummy and freaking out - help

    New day, new adventure 🙃 My 7.5mo baby started rolling on her stomach as soon as I put her down for naps/night.. and then freaks out! I’ve tried to shush/Pat her but it doesn’t work, the only thing that works is giving her a paci and she’s out like a light — but, I removed the paci for night...
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    The March to 1 Nap: A Practical Guide to Baby Nap Transitions (4m-18m-ish)

    @knowledgeisnotignorant Thank you! My issue is that my baby never ever slept more than 11.5h in her life! During the transition, she slept 11h at first and now settled on 10.75… it’s tricky, but flip flopping 1/2 nap days is ok I think!
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    The March to 1 Nap: A Practical Guide to Baby Nap Transitions (4m-18m-ish)

    @knowledgeisnotignorant She was refusing the micro nap :( hence why I cut it out! What to do in those cases?
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    The March to 1 Nap: A Practical Guide to Baby Nap Transitions (4m-18m-ish)

    @knowledgeisnotignorant Do youd let the nap go on up to 3h? Yesterday she woke up herself at the 2h mark, at 1.35pm, so I did bedtime at 7.15pm and she passed out immediately.. but this morning was up at 5.57am :-( so I guess today is a 2 nap day?
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    The March to 1 Nap: A Practical Guide to Baby Nap Transitions (4m-18m-ish)

    @knowledgeisnotignorant Hi! You've helped me so much in the past so here i am again hoping for some tips :) My baby has always been prone to EMWs, but she's always just chilled in her crib until DWT. We switched to 1 nap a couple of weeks ago, just after she turned 15mo, because she was...