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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @tony717 I do accrue PTO while I’m out on PTO. I’m salary so maybe that’s why it’s different.
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    Breaking great-grandma’s heart for not letting baby CIO

    @bigskyguy76 Ah shoot. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.
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    Breaking great-grandma’s heart for not letting baby CIO

    @bigskyguy76 That sounds like torture. My friends kiddos hate the car too and she avoids driving as much as possible. There’s nothing wrong with saying no. You’re prioritizing your baby’s health and your sanity. Side note since you think she gets carsick, has she ever been in a different car...
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    When did you get excited “again”?

    @galdrun Congratulations!! For me I think it was labor! Early on I just felt sick and even tried buying baby clothes to convince myself I was pregnant. It only kid of worked? Similar to you, I had a rush of excitement building my registry and getting the nursery ready, then things settled down...
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    I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

    @sachin0990 If it makes you feel better, I’m a little vaccine hesitant myself. I’ve asked a lot of questions and my pediatrician has been really patient. I think most people understand that it’s scary to give our kids anything even when we know it’s ultimately the best thing to do.
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    About to miscarry at 7 wks gestational age at home alone with a 2.5 yr old

    @chris_mil Schedule the D&C and find help. Miscarriage is so common. A friend or neighbor you trust will absolutely be happy to help you out. You’ll need 2 helpers, one to drive and one to babysit. Call in any and all favors. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @sanegirl That’s insane!! My husbands bonus wasn’t prorated for his 8 week leave! Is company isn’t HQrd in the US which probably explains a lot lol
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @samanthayeah Right!! And let’s be real, you did extra work before and after leave
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @bbryup My husband is working on his MBA and pointed out that a real business tactic is to encourage people to move on once they reach a certain point. Like they would rather have someone that does 70% the work for 50% of the pay. I don’t think that’s what’s going on here, but I can totally see...
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @charlespe Shoot I hadn’t thought about the impact it would have on my raise. I’m going to look into that too.
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    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @gracegrace Buuuuut you did eventually move to your own room 😂
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    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @emygdius Lol hey I said one day, never said that day would be soon 😂
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @godhelpag My rating has been “exceeds expectations” all 7 years I’ve been there. I expect the same this year. My boss 100% supports me and told me to include him on my note to HR so he can back me up. Thanks for giving me the confidence to fight this! Even if it doesn’t work for me, maybe I can...
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    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @opinionsareopinions Every kiddo is different but I promise, one day she will sleep in her own bed ❤️ our 1.5 year old will go down just fine for Dad, but if I set him in his crib he cries. No clue why, so Dad handles bedtime 😂 be patient and you’ll figure out what works for you.
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @ames96 Thank you! And thank you for driving change!
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @aviso Okay that makes sense!!
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @citywolf Saving this as a reminder for when we have a second ❤️
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @ames96 Okay question, I used PTO days over my STD time so it would be paid. Those days should count towards my “time with company” right?
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @sheamusofcountycork See the thing that passes me off the most is that the policy was not disclosed during my talks with HR when we discussed all this before leave. If I’d taken less than 90 days leave, my bonus wouldn’t have been impacted at all. But because I took 98, I loose 25%. Who the heck...
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    Sad week9 ultrasound

    @xu%C3%A2n0496 I’m so sorry for your loss