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  1. G

    Lead poisoning

    @inhizeyez All my kids were checked at 1, 2, and 3 years old. It seemed just standard.
  2. G

    What to do? My son's g.f. is beating him up

    @dadon My sister had a similar situation a few years ago. Her boyfriend was great, except he was a mean and violent drunk, and he liked to get drunk a lot. I just gently encouraged her to leave him everytime, then about threw a party when she finally did. It’s so hard, because adults get to...
  3. G

    SAHPs, I Keep Messing Up and I'm Embarrassed. I Need to Fix This

    @ajewelinhiscrown Those are such minor mistakes. Stop beating yourself up, you sound like you’re actually doing great. This isn’t an easy job. Oh, and your wife should t be calling you an idiot for making normal human mistakes.