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  1. K

    Lack of Play dates

    @lowlight He is playing in school. Probably the day will come when he comes home and asks you “can so and so come over some day?” and that will be that
  2. K

    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @pecosheero I get it. Oh gosh 2.4% interest rate 😭 I’ll probably never see that in my life lol 😫😫
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    Mom Friends

    @alaina It’s like being back in high school— you’re thrown together with a bunch of random people and it’s a roll of the dice if you will vibe with anyone or not. I think the only difference is that I think for moms there’s some kind of pressure or expectation that we should get along because...
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    My 7 year old never plays alone.

    @pecosheero This sounds isolating for you and him. It sounds like in addition to there being low social supports in general, you don’t have close family or friends around? Not to be flippant, but are you happy for this town to be your forever home or do you ever think about moving? Any...
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    Guilty for thinking this way?

    @littledot You are not being selfish! Her opinion rests on the very flawed assumption that a sibling will be a necessity for a happy life for your 6YO, moreso than parents whose mental health and resources aren’t strained. It never fails to shock me how few people realize that our opinions on...
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    My kid basically told me to stop gentle parenting her

    @davida50 Ooof as the parent of a daughter, I feel you. So sweet so often and at times— wham! The attitude is just 🤯 Idk if it’s an official developmental phase but I definitely think all girls go through a time (or times) when the way mom does it is just wrong. We expect it at the teenage...
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    Non-Cheesy, Fun, Getting to Know Games for Parents of my Kiddo's B-Day?

    @tssalacious Prosecco (Kidding) (kind of )
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    Article in The Atlantic about Only Children

    @jason1234 Bless you for that! 🙏 😅