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    @cleann $90k is not a lot when you owe ~$40k out the gate. However you should have access to all of your household finances and both partners deserve some amount of fun money. You need to have an honest talk, set up a strict budget to tackle it. Calling debt “his” or “mine” isn’t helpful now...
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    Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

    @disguisedlamb When you’re very sick that’s how it is unless you can find a well caretaker.
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    Alva baby diapers question.

    @dianes At that age they probably only need 1 insert! They’ll need 2 or more when they get older
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    Am I supposed to run 3 whole washer cycles every 1-2 days for 3-8 tiny rectangles?

    @wisper I did two washes when baby was EBF and the poop stayed in the diapers. Now that they eat solids I plop or rinse and one wash with a prewash and rinse works well. In the load I add diapers, inserts, cloth diaper wipes, the diaper pail liner, cloth paper towels, kitchen towels, and rags. I...