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  1. K

    My daughter failed 9th grade and I do not know what to do about it

    @farmerdex Does the school have credit retrieval that she can take? I work for a school district and we don’t “hold kids back” officially in HS but they just don’t graduate at the end if they don’t have enough credits. We have online classes and credit retrieval both of which are free and...
  2. K

    Coparent taking $ from child’s account

    @jordanw123 My only thought is that I would NEVER co own an account with anyone I was no longer with. I can’t even wrap my head around it. My advice is to immediately split it and never commingle funds with ex again. Then you don’t have to worry about it.
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @signsofthetimes Similar thing just happened to a friend’s kid and the girl asked him to send pics of himself. He did. Not long after he started being blackmailed saying they were going to release the pics. Shit oh dear, raising kids is brutal these days.
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    My Ex (F) is trimming my 10F’s body hair, should I say something to her?

    @mccristin Seems like this girl is only thinking of it bc the mom is suggesting it to her. I don’t think at this age it should even cross their mind, personally
  5. K

    My Ex (F) is trimming my 10F’s body hair, should I say something to her?

    @essentiallyme Mom to a 15 yo F and 13 yo F. This is strange AF to me. Like…wow. Agree with you completely that she shouldn’t even be thinking about trimming unless it is personally bothersome to her in which case I could see her asking her mother who would explain/help once and then leave it...