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    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    @houstonreborn We are also still paying for storage. We've agreed to hold on to them until I'm 42.
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    Hi! New to TTC on purpose and I have a question about what DPO means...

    @onedayworthy Yep, fhat's why the recommendation is to start having sex EOD at the start of your fertile period.
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    Hi! New to TTC on purpose and I have a question about what DPO means...

    @darcyerin Some people get a weeks worth of more of a flashing smiley. For those doing timed intercourse if they wait until O day to have sex they've already missed out on the days with the highest chances of success. That's why people like the strips - because they can see the line getting...
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    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    @walid373 Just keep in mind that an embryo can split and can become a multiple. It's not as common, but it can happen. So if you're absolutely not okay with twins or triplets that's something to consider. We have four embryos left and are undecided, but it's looking more and more like we are...
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    Factors that contributed to your OAD decision

    @walid373 You can't really view it this way though. Embryo =/= (does not equal) living baby. An embryo is a chance of a baby, not a guarantee. I went through IVF too and our first transfer was our best quality embryo and I miscarried. I've had IVF friends who have miscarried multiple times...
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    The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019

    @emanuela The daily threads on this and the stilltrying sub are amazing. I've been on Reddit for 8 years now (this is my second account) and I think the only other sub that even comes close to it is /watches. Even then /watches is more of a "look what I'm wearing today" daily post rather than...
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    The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019

    @emanuela Probably has a ton of TTC throwaways too still subbed.
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    The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019

    @kvn Thank you for the update and for everything you mods do!
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    The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019

    @tmur My husband is here on this sub too. He doesn't make his presence known. I think he's commented twice. We often talk about some posts together.
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    The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019

    @kvn Pro-tip for those using an app: sort by suggested. Since the mods have set the dailies to sort by new that means you won't have to switch between sorting by hot/best when you're on other subs to new when you're on TFAB. Sorting by suggested means the comments on the dailies will...