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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @jesusiscomingbacksoon Thank you! I am considering giving her a mix of Alimentum and breast milk to transition her. Was the vomiting severe? Hers was quite severe. She was super pale and lethargic. Did your baby have any other symptoms? She has a very smelly poop sometimes — smells like rotten...
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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @helper_pni Thank you! I suffer from health anxiety, so very hard to not worry. The NICU experience has heightened my anxiety. When did you transition them?
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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @kevintri99 Thank you! That’s good to hear.
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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @landygirl Did she develop NEC early on? My ped recommended a non-premie formula for my daughter.
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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @straykat Thank you! I’m going to try Alimentum when I’m ready to transition her. I’m a bit worried from doing soy, which the pediatrician recommended. I’ve read online that it’s not recommended for premature babies, although I’m not sure if the same concerns apply to a 35 weeker. She wasn’t...
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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    Hi everyone, my daughter is currently 9 days shy of 6 months actual. She was born at 35 and 0 weeks via planned C section bc of my placenta previa/potential accreta. She was 6lbs and 1 oz with APGARS of 8/8 but was taken to the NICU because of mild respiratory distress. She was discharged on day...