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  1. H

    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @yaoshi I’ve gotten so busy but I think I figured something out! A modified version of beginner strength training program from r/fitness and it only takes about 40 minutes MWF! I’m gonna stick it out and see what happens
  2. H

    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @katrina2017 I struggle with consistency as well. We’re on a pretty good routine, mostly, but I’m hoping the childcare aspect helps with the consistency in working out.
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @katrina2017 Ahhh I wish we had a home gym. Stroller walks are starting to get difficult for us. She’s only 18 months but already hates being in the stroller longer than 30 minutes
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @z3rn4rius Sounds great and exactly what I want to do. She’s up at 7 so I figure a quick breakfast and then be there at 8 to workout.
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @gladysrivera This is what I was doing but my 18 month old hates being her stroller now. I wish I would’ve taken up hiking when she was younger, though. It sounds great. Maybe eventually we’ll get into it
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @savedtoservehim Lol yeah idk why I asked about the rest. Sounds like a solid routine though. Thanks!
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @savedtoservehim 4 am?! I don’t think I could do that lol but everything else sounds great. Do you feel like you get enough rest?
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @fcs2525 I need the energy for this! I always feel better doing something physical but starting is so hard
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    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    @katrina2017 I’ll look into classes! I really want to strength train/lift weights but it looks like it’s just a personal trainer thing in my area. Makes sense though
  10. H

    SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

    We recently got a family membership to the local YMCA and childcare is from 8 to 11 am and 5-7 pm. I guess I’m wondering what kind of workout routines are being done? I’ve also already checked out r/fitness for beginner tips but I’d like insight from y’all