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  1. C

    Trying for a baby while being plus size

    @marko959 I had a doctor say i shouldnt be ttc because im overweight and would gain more weight. I fell pregnant a month later, started seeing a different GP who was nothing but helpful. I had pcos and insulin resistance plus being over 35 was high risk but had a pretty standard pregnancy. I...
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    C Section Recovery

    @annointed620 I had an emergency caesarean last Friday and just got the dressing removed today. The midwife said to gently wash and dry, then use a pad if I feel like the area might need a bit of help staying dry
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    Seeing Movement Outside Of Stomach?

    @lone_disciple I just checked my phone and I have videos of my belly from mid September and I was due mid December, so I had a good 3 months+ of movement visible from the outside. It started like little ripples but by the end when she was much bigger it was very obvious. She even kicked my cat...
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    Apps say belly might start to feel firm (9W), but doesn’t with the extra fluff

    @onlyway019 lower belly stayed pretty squishy but around 14-16 weeks i think it started to get firm. Im an apple shape so was all belly pre pregnancy