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    Full Term Baby, blood ox levels low to mid 90s

    @shermainehelenalyssalau Wonderful 😊 that is reassuring!
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    Full Term Baby, blood ox levels low to mid 90s

    @shermainehelenalyssalau Has she had an echo? Just something I'd consider discussing with them to double check everything you can if you're feeling nervous about going home with that question unanswered. I hope she goes up for you shortly!
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    Heart Defect

    @nicknicks Hi! I sent both you and your husband chats today... If you'd be willing to compare notes with us, we would be so very appreciative 😊
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    Is NICU follow up necessary when seeing a pediatrician a few times a year?

    @kimberly1988 If she's on track, I'd consider not going at this point. Maybe talk it over with your pediatrician at the next appt. Is there a cheaper option to do early intervention assessments?
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    How to remember the good times that happened in the NICU? (Long stay)

    @alusuw I would take a little journal you, and write down things yourself. ❤️ keep note of the names of the nurses who were kindest, nice little moments that happened etc and date each one. My thought is that the nurses may feel a bit awkward writing little notes etc, but they will likely...
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    Big brother going to prek soon! How can I best protect baby?!

    @erin30ga Just keeping the baby away from big brother if he's sick. Unfortunately, bugs are a part of childhood, and I think it's inevitable that your oldest will get ill. So, I'd more focus on how to handle that and how much you're willing to do to keep them apart and what illnesses would...
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    Trigger warning loss: my baby girl died

    @dan1988 I'm so sorry. There are no words to express show sad I am for your loss. I will say a prayer for your little girl, and for you xx
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    UPDATE - Just left the ER with more questions than answers - Is it possible I conceived late? Can someone help me?

    @mimi87 So sorry to hear that things have gone this way for you. Do you have a regular OB? I'd call the on call/emergency number and ask for advice. Heavy bleeding is normal with a miscarriage, but there's a limit to where it is too much/worrying. They should be able to talk you through it and...