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  1. J

    Still mourning Tide free & gentle powder

    @y0ung1996 I’m in AB too and on very hard well water. We switched to regular Tide for our diapers. Someone else mentioned the smell doesn’t really stick badly with hot water, and that’s been our experience too. Borax definitely helps as a water softener! You might have success with adding some...
  2. J

    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @lifespriority Oh dear haha. Yeah, the long term cost comparison was what really sold my husband too. Especially factoring in that we want to have more children in the future.
  3. J

    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @lifespriority But like… aren’t they less poor because they did cloth instead of throwing their money in the trash???
  4. J


    @flowerchildtt As a couple other people have commented, hot water for both washes will help get them cleaner. However, if this has been going on for about a month and you’ve sanitized them and it didn’t help, it might be time for a visit to the paediatrician. I obviously can’t diagnose her, but...