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    Potential conceiving issues

    @evie12 This is for a doctor but I’ve heard of the shots to make it viable and it’s something they can catch early in pregnancy with communication between you and your doctor. As for being unable to conceive I haven’t heard of blood types affecting that.
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    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    @godblessmosha Did your pediatrician say to change formula? That may be causing an issue since it takes 2-3 weeks to adjust to a formula and he’s so little. Definitely feed on demand because they may be going through a growth spurt. My baby sometimes drank 6-8oz before bed around a month old...
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    7w3d ultrasound - no heartbeat

    @pink318 So sorry! Grieve the loss of hope and give yourself time. 💕
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    7w3d ultrasound - no heartbeat

    @pink318 This sounds just like my blighted ovum. I pray that isn't the case with you and they just got your dates wrong. Keep going to the follow up visits.