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  1. M

    Don’t know what to do

    @preclem We haven’t slept in the same bed since she was born she has a floor bed in her room and has been in it since she 6 months old
  2. M

    Don’t know what to do

    @madea945 She goes to bed at 6:30 I just don’t get home until around 7. We tried a sleep consultant but they suggested we let her cry after just a few days of working with them and then my fiancé shut off to the idea of them helping. And napping during the day is part of the problem as well she...
  3. M

    Don’t know what to do

    @pilgrimonanotherway Yes exactly she doesn’t know what to do we’ve tried everything except letting her cry and is resigned to thinking she’ll just grow out of it. The resentment went away a while ago it’s just hopelessness at this point. And we hired a sleep consultant and they told us to let...
  4. M

    Don’t know what to do

    My(23 M) fiancé (29 F) refuses to sleep train our 16 month old daughter who has always been a horrible sleeper. We have fought for months on what to do and came to 0 conclusions She wakes typically every 1-2 hours but when she is teething it can be as short as 15 minute intervals. My fiancé...