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  1. T

    How many days in preschool?

    @peaceron My older son (now 4.5) started preschool when he was 1.5 and had to go full time because we were both working full time. By the time he was 3, we had a new baby who I was going to be staying home with, so we decided to reduce him to a part time schedule and we chose 3 days a week...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @mvchante Oh wow! So my son's birthday would be almost 7 months before the cutoff in your area, making him one of the older ones in the class. Very interesting. His preschool actually has a similar cutoff - in the PreK-4 class they have to be 4 before November 1, I believe. So there are a...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @redvelvet97 I agree! And not even just May, she said from April on, especially if a boy. Kind of insane.
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @called2 All of that definitely makes sense, and is based on reasoning related to your child's experiences in school up until this point. It sounds like it will be really beneficial for him to have that extra year! If the teachers we've established relationships with over the past several...
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    Lead poisoning

    @inhizeyez We are in FL and it is standard to test at 1 year old. My older child (4) has not been tested since he was 1. I believe if you are within a certain threshold it is standard practice to test again at regular intervals or intervene if needed.
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @petrasophie I agree with you 100%. I think a big part of this "not ready" trend is the fact that we are expecting more of 5 year olds in their first year of elementary school and the expectations are probably better suited for 6 year olds now. So in order to have your child be "ready," you're...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @nhule8805 Thanks for sharing! I am of the mindset that SOMEONE is always going to be the youngest in the class. Where is the line drawn? If we start having kids born 6 months before the cutoff repeat, PreK suddenly is Kindergarten, and so on. Plus you'll always have the kids whose parents...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @holywave21 Thanks for your comment! I feel the same as you, especially coming from a Kindergarten teaching background where it can be really, really difficult to have an age span of a year and a half in the same class. There is a big difference between a child who just turned 5 and one who...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    @susienaps You summed up a lot of my feelings in a much better way! As a Kindergarten teacher I haven’t yet experienced a huge age gap like that on a wide scale, but I have had some years where there are kids who are 4 on the first day of school with classmates who turn 6 a few weeks later. It...
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    Redshirting in preschool

    Hi there, I was curious to see if there is any research-based backing for "redshirting"/having children repeat a year of preschool. This is something I've been thinking a lot about after an interesting and somewhat disheartening preschool observation experience for my child (he will be 4 at...
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    Taking Cara Babies v Ferber

    @extiff TCB basically took the information from Ferber and repackaged it with cutesy acronyms, charges a lot more for it and then gives your money to a political candidate of her choosing. Ferber is likely available for free at your local library and has a whole lot of other information...