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  1. J

    Pre teen stealing card to buy Fortnite V bucks for the last couple months. Totalling over $70 in one month alone. I'm lost on how to proceed

    @saulos It's typical for kids that age to buy games online. A lot of systems do this rather than using cartridges like we used to have. I would just set ground rules that he ask before any purchases. Talk to him about the value of money and what the money was needed for. This hardly means...
  2. J

    Typical teenage boy - help!

    @kkisling109 What you are doing is just fine. You're already on the right track. His behavior is normal for his age. His brain isn't fully developed and he is experimenting with behavior. I would not ban him from camp over this stuff. Plus the 10 day break will be good for you both. Keep...
  3. J

    Teen quit school- now what?

    @thedevilaintthatbad Teen boys often use their Dad as a role model. Your son is trying to follow in his Dad's immature footsteps. Dropping out of school is not normal with anxiety. At this point there isn't much you can do as frustrating as that is. Very few people would agree with your ex...