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  1. F

    Feeding question

    @funmilayo She is 3 MO so almost there!
  2. F

    Feeding question

    How to you switch breasts at night with cosleeping and feeding? Does everyone just have a “night time” boob? 😂 my LO sleeps on my left side so I would feed her in side lying in the L, but I don’t feel comfortable switching our positions because my partner is also in the bed and that would put...
  3. F

    PLS S.W.A.P

    @felipeoliveir We got inspiration from her book but I also agree that I was so lost on how to go from bouncing on the yoga ball for 20-30 min to laying her in the crib. We just had to do a very slow progression where we slowly bounced less intensely while patting her, then holding and patting...