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    I can’t shake the feeling

    @epalmer How old are you first two? I’m in the same boat
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    Unplanned 3rd

    @strange1 How old are your children? The antidepressants didn’t affect your children’s behaviour ? I’ve been hearing podcasts from doctors who claim the antidepressants cross the placenta and definitely get to the foetus, causing autism and some delays ?
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    Unplanned 3rd

    14 weeks pregnant, 3rd child , youngest is 5. This was a planned pregnancy but I can’t help but feel regret and dread. I forgot how much you lose yourself in motherhood. How insecure you feel while pregnant . I don’t know if I should start taking antidepressants, I’m so scared it will harm the...
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    Is it madness to have another baby at 42-43?

    @johnl1153 Defs not madness , but you will feel the difference . I’m 38 and feeling it compared to my earlier pregnancy’s which were easier on the body .